Big Sky Organic is a three-coffee blend that balances the rich character of the source coffees with the flavor accents contributed by a Viennese-style medium roast. A quality Vienna-style roast reveals the unique qualities of the source coffees while adding a touch of caramelization from the roast. Big Sky Organic marries the delicate flavors of sweet dried fruit, toasted almonds and dark chocolate in an even balance with the hints of burnt sugar found in a classic Vienna Roast. The result is a rich brew with complex, identifiable flavors that gradually give way to the tang of darkness in a brew that’s sweet, stable, thick and very smooth. The perfect marriage of flavors in Big Sky Organic is represented by the romantic label image, created by Montana artist Larry Pirney, of a cowboy and cowgirl sharing a kiss after a day on the ranch. Set against a dramatic Rocky Mountain backdrop, this image also captures the wide-open, boundless quality of life here in Montana’s Big Sky Country. Though the coffees in Big Sky Organic originate a world away, the rich body and deep flavors are right at home in Montana’s vast, rugged landscape. Whether you live under the Big Sky, or just dream about it, enjoy the Made-in-Montana flavor of Big Sky Organic